Weather is terrible. Cold and rainy. I hear Nebraska is getting some snow. That would be really bad.
Senior night for the volleyball team. Last home game.
Drew has joined TSA, it is a industrial technology program that starts at the middle school and is pretty big at the high school. They do a bunch of technical school type stuff. Auto mechanics, Computer Aided Drafting, and a lot of other stuff. It is a club type thing. I think he is working in the concession stand tonight for the volleyball game as part of the club fund raising effort.
So I accepted the weekend teaching job for next spring. I decided it would be a good experience and I really don't miss any of the kids events during that month. I am sure I will be complaining come March but I get what I get.
I really don't have any plans for the weekend but I do need to get a haircut. I might try to go Friday during lunch but it will depend on the weather. I also can vote right now if I want. The county auditors office is open for voting from now until November 3rd so if I go out, I might stop off and vote.
Trash day so the ladies will be out in their heels and such. I hope they have waterproof mascara or they might have to pass another ordinance.
Off to start.