The weather here has been very good. Sun shining, warm but not too hot and low humidity. I guess this is a time to be thankful of the weather.
Drew and I played in a golf tournament in the morning and Jess and I played in the afternoon. 9 holes with Drew. We did pretty well. He was hitting the ball well and my chipping and putting was going pretty well so we did ok. Jess and I played 18 holes and the first 9, we both sucked. As a matter of fact, I wanted to quit after the first 9. We finally go Jess to hit the ball clean and I started to really hit my drive so the last nine went pretty well. I think we will do it again next year.
So 27 holes of golf is a lot. I am stiff and a little soar this morning.
We have to go to work today at 6:30. The admin center is moving and they want to start by 7. Kick ass!
Oh well. I guess it is a good thing I am a morning person.
I have to contact our tenants today. They haven't paid their water bill either so the city sent me a note saying if they don't pay, the water will be shut off to the house.
Off to start. I am sure there will be plenty to talk about this week.