The weather has been very good lately. In the mid 80's and not too humid. I have a nagging feeling the other shoe is about to drop. I guess we will see.
So I have been watching the Olympics in the evenings and there are just some events I don't understand how they became events. For example, the trampoline! What the heck is that all about? That event seems more like something you would do in your backyard on a Saturday night. I can't imagine spending my life working towards the trampoline gold. It is almost a put down to the real athletes like Phelps or Johnson. Whatever!
The kids start school tomorrow. Work has been busy and hectic but that is just typical for this time of year.
Drew starts football practice tomorrow and Jess is in the midst of two a day practices now. For the second practice last night they had to run a mile on the track. She was the first one to finish with a time of 7:14. She said she was very happy with her time because she did it without a whole lot of effort. She said she wasn't tired at all after so she was pretty happy. The rest of the team's goal was to not get lapped by her. A couple of her friends had to sprint the last 50 when she was on her final lap so she wouldn't pass them. They still had a lap to go but at least she didn't pass them.
I start teaching class again Monday and Tuesday of next week. There weren't many students signed up for the Monday class so it may only be Tuesday that I teach. I was also contacted by the DMACC continuing education department and they want me to teach classes for a smaller group. It would be two and three day classes so it wouldn't be a long commitment for me. If the Monday class gets dropped I will probably do it. With the kind of tenants I have, I need the extra cash.
I haven't had a chance to do the video blog but hope to get one done soon.
Off to start the day.