We ended up getting more rain last night. We are over 7 inches above average for rain right now and there is water everywhere. The baseball field downtown is flooded, highway 30 to Boone is flooded and closed and there are water levels rising. Sandbagging is becoming part time jobs for the people of Iowa.
Fotunately, we have no problems here at the house. The sump is going like crazy but it isn't overloaded. As long as we have power we should be fine. (I am knocking on wood).
Jess had a game at DCG last night. They lost 11-0. They stop games if someone is ahead by 10 runs after 5 innings. Guess what..we were.
Jess had the only hit of the game. We only had two players on base all night. Jess hit a single to left field and another girl got walked. Other than that it was slim pickins. We had quite a few bats on balls but just couldn't hit the gaps.
They are supposed to play Wednesday but it is supposed to rain so that one will be up in the air.
Dawn's dad is retiring at the end of the month. He sold his dental practice and will see his last patience June 30th.
Work is going to pickup here in the next few days. I have a lot of things to get done before I leave for California. The last thing I want to be doing is trying to take care of work issues while I could be on the beach. I need to get everything taken care of before we go.
Today is going to be dry and I need to mow my yard tonight. Jess is having a friend come over and hang out so she is looking forward to that.
She has weight lifting at 6:30 and then softball practice at 10. She is supposed to have volleyball practice at 11 but the softball coach isn't letting any of the softball players go. She said she is going to talk to the volleyball coach today and tell her the softball players can't come to her practice. I am sure that is going to go over well.
Off to start the day.