It is the last day of Spring break and it is a bit dissapointing. I should be happy becuase most schools are going back today. At least we have one more day and that is a good thing. The only rain on the parade is I have to teach tonight. DMACC doesn't recoginize this additional day off so we are required to have class.
The weekend went pretty well. I didn't do a whole lot but it was nice to hang out with the kids. I don't get the chance to do that very often. Last night I made a new dish for them. I grilled chicken breast and then put them in a skillet with spaghetti sauce. I let it simmer for about 15 minutes and then put parasean and mozerella on top and baked it. I served the chicken breasts over buttery noodles and served a side of peas. I also make biscuits. The kids liked it and it was a nice change.
Saturday, the kids colored eggs for Easter. I had them make 18 eggs and we ate the ones that broke. I burned the roof of my mouth really bad. I forgot to set the timer for the eggs but thought I had set it. After awhile I went to check the timer and noticed it wasn't set. Well hell, I didn't know how long the eggs had been cooking so I pulled one out of the hot water, ran it under cold water for a bit, peeled it and tore it in half. It was done so I asked Drew if he wanted to eat half. I gave him half and, like a stupid ass, popped the other half in my mouth... The yoke of the egg was like a flaming tar that stuck to the roof of my mouth and burned like a mother. I spit it out and rinsed my mouth. I also put ice cubes in my mouth to try to minimize the damage.
The roof of my mouth is pretty raw. It is like I lost a layer or two of skin and it is sore. What was I thinking?
I was watching the history channel this weekend, which is a change from my reality television stations. Anyway, they had a couple of shows on things that were removed from the bible. It was very interesting. Things were actually pulled from the books. For instance, did you know Adam had a first wife before Eve? Her name was Lilleth and she was made from the dirt of the earth at the same time as Adam and was an equal. She refused to have sex with him and be subserviant. She insisted on being an equal and Adam disliked her. Long story short, she ended up speaking God's name, which was forbidden, and was sent away from the garden. God then created Eve from Adam's rib, which in the religious interpretation, made her subserviant and a bit of a possession of Adam.
Anyway, there are all kinds of stories like that that were simply removed for one reason or another by the religious leaders or politicians. Another one is that Joseph had a wife and she wasn't Jewish. She was the daughter of a Egyptian priest. Taboo! It was very interesting because historians agree this is the case.
The Drew has practice tonight at 7 and Jess has a track meet tomorrow. She actually will miss the whole day of school tomorrow because the track meet it 2 hours away and starts at 10:00 am. The bus leaves at 7:30. She also has a track meet here in Perry on Thursday. It is supposed to be nice pretty much all week except Thursday. It is supposed to rain.
Let the week begin.