The day previously known as hump day is upon us and Molly is 1. Jess turns 16 tomorrow and the goose will be on the loose.
Wednesday is also the day I teach class in Des Moines. It is a long day but it is really nice when class is over and I am done teaching for the week.
Thursday there is a class for parents of Jess' club volleyball team on creating a recruiting video. It is at 8 o'clock in Ankeny and I plan on attending. I really don't feel like driving 40 minutes to attend a meeting on a Thursday night but they only offer this once a year and have a few recruiters coming in to talk to the group about what they look for and want. I am sure it will be worth while but it is another thing to have to do.
My cold is still kicking my butt. My chest is killing me and my nose is either running like crazy or completely stuffed where I can barely breath. In short....I am a mess.
On the bright side, it looks like we are going to be in the 40's this weekend. That will be a very nice change and maybe we can get some of this snow melted. I am getting very tired of the cold and snow. This weekend will be a pleasant break.
My life is dull and I have nothing else to write. It is strange that I have such a busy schedule but very little of interest to mention. Such is my life.